





新北市 新莊 區 榮華  路(街) 二 段    巷  123   號  全棟


土地分區 : 第二種商業區          謄本用途: 辦公室     


總樓層 : 地上 20   層\地下 5  層\每層   5  

建築完成日期 : 113  03 01 

大樓座向:  座 南  朝     各租售單位面向請自行確認

主要結構 鋼骨鋼筋混能土  外觀建材  帷幕玻璃


警衛管理  24小時     


押金: 2個月押金

租金: 1500元起/

車位類型: 坡道*平面      車位租金:  4500元起/

管理費: 120 元/坪;汽車位清潔費:600元/月;機車位清潔費:200/


1. 面電影文化藝術中心 景觀佳

5. 門面大廳 時尚活潑 藝術氛圍感佳

2. 中小坪數 適新創公司 初期發展


3. 公設機能完善  租屋送員工福利


4. 近捷運 國道 快速道路 6465













租- AK5656副都柏TOWER藝術商辦12D 特色說明1. 面電影文化藝術中心,景觀佳 2. 中小坪數,適新創公司初期發展 3. 公設機能完善,租屋送員工福利 4. 租金:1500元/坪、管理費:120元/坪 5. 近捷運、國道、快速道路、64、65 6. 門面、大廳時尚活潑,藝術氛圍感佳 7. 另租平面車位、車位清潔費600元/月,機車清潔費200元/月 Rent - AK5656 Dubai TOWER Art Commercial Office 12D Feature Description 1. Facing the Film Culture and Art Center, with good views 2. Small and medium-sized square footage, suitable for the early development of new startups 3. Complete public facilities, renting a house comes with employee benefits 4. Rent: 1,500 yuan/square meter, management fee: 120 yuan/square meter 5. Close to MRT, national highway, expressway, 64, 65 6. The facade and lobby are fashionable and lively, with a good artistic atmosphere 7. There is an additional rent of 600 yuan for a flat parking space and parking space cleaning fee /month, motorcycle cleaning fee is 200 yuan/month


租- AK5656副都柏TOWER藝術商辦7E 特色說明1. 面電影文化藝術中心,景觀佳 2. 中小坪數,適新創公司初期發展 3. 公設機能完善,租屋送員工福利 4. 租金:1500元/坪、管理費:120元/坪 5. 近捷運、國道、快速道路、64、65 6. 門面、大廳時尚活潑,藝術氛圍感佳 7. 另租平面車位、車位清潔費600元/月,機車清潔費200元/月 Rent - AK5656 Vice Dub TOWER Art Commercial Office 7E Features Description 1. Facing the Film Culture and Art Center, with a good view 2. Small and medium-sized square footage, suitable for the early development of new companies 3. Complete public facilities, renting a house comes with employee benefits 4. Rent: 1,500 yuan/square meter, management fee: 120 yuan/square meter 5. Close to MRT, national highway, expressway, 64, 65 6. The facade and lobby are fashionable and lively, with a good artistic atmosphere 7. There is an additional rent of 600 yuan for a flat parking space and parking space cleaning fee /month, motorcycle cleaning fee is 200 yuan/month


租- AK5656副都柏TOWER藝術商辦7D 特色說明1. 面電影文化藝術中心,景觀佳 2. 中小坪數,適新創公司初期發展 3. 公設機能完善,租屋送員工福利 4. 租金:1500元/坪、管理費:120元/坪 5. 近捷運、國道、快速道路、64、65 6. 門面、大廳時尚活潑,藝術氛圍感佳 7. 另租平面車位、車位清潔費600元/月,機車清潔費200元/月 Rent - AK5656 Vice Dub TOWER Art Commercial Office 7D Feature Description 1. Facing the Film Culture and Art Center, with a good view 2. Small and medium-sized square footage, suitable for the early development of new startups 3. Complete public facilities, renting a house comes with employee benefits 4. Rent: 1,500 yuan/square meter, management fee: 120 yuan/square meter 5. Close to MRT, national highway, expressway, 64, 65 6. The facade and lobby are fashionable and lively, with a good artistic atmosphere 7. There is an additional rent of 600 yuan for a flat parking space and parking space cleaning fee /month, motorcycle cleaning fee is 200 yuan/month


租- AK5656副都柏TOWER藝術商辦7C 特色說明1. 面電影文化藝術中心,景觀佳 2. 中小坪數,適新創公司初期發展 3. 公設機能完善,租屋送員工福利 4. 租金:1500元/坪、管理費:120元/坪 5. 近捷運、國道、快速道路、64、65 6. 門面、大廳時尚活潑,藝術氛圍感佳 7. 另租平面車位、車位清潔費600元/月,機車清潔費200元/月 Rent - AK5656 Vice Dub TOWER Art Commercial Office 7C Feature Description 1. Facing the Film Culture and Art Center, with a good view 2. Small and medium-sized square footage, suitable for the early development of new companies 3. Complete public facilities, renting a house comes with employee benefits 4. Rent: 1,500 yuan/square meter, management fee: 120 yuan/square meter 5. Close to MRT, national highway, expressway, 64, 65 6. The facade and lobby are fashionable and lively, with a good artistic atmosphere 7. There is an additional rent of 600 yuan for a flat parking space and parking space cleaning fee /month, motorcycle cleaning fee is 200 yuan/month


租- AK5656副都柏TOWER藝術商辦7B 特色說明1. 面電影文化藝術中心,景觀佳 2. 中小坪數,適新創公司初期發展 3. 公設機能完善,租屋送員工福利 4. 租金:1500元/坪、管理費:120元/坪 5. 近捷運、國道、快速道路、64、65 6. 門面、大廳時尚活潑,藝術氛圍感佳 7. 另租平面車位、車位清潔費600元/月,機車清潔費200元/月 Rent - AK5656 Vice Dub TOWER Art Commercial Office 7B Feature Description 1. Facing the Film Culture and Art Center, with a good view 2. Small and medium-sized square footage, suitable for the early development of new startups 3. Complete public facilities, renting a house comes with employee benefits 4. Rent: 1,500 yuan/square meter, management fee: 120 yuan/square meter 5. Close to MRT, national highway, expressway, 64, 65 6. The facade and lobby are fashionable and lively, with a good artistic atmosphere 7. There is an additional rent of 600 yuan for a flat parking space and parking space cleaning fee /month, motorcycle cleaning fee is 200 yuan/month


租- AK5656副都柏TOWER藝術商辦7A 特色說明1. 面電影文化藝術中心,景觀佳 2. 中小坪數,適新創公司初期發展 3. 公設機能完善,租屋送員工福利 4. 租金:1500元/坪、管理費:120元/坪 5. 近捷運、國道、快速道路、64、65 6. 門面、大廳時尚活潑,藝術氛圍感佳 7. 另租平面車位、車位清潔費600元/月,機車清潔費200元/月 Rent - AK5656 Dubai TOWER Art Commercial Office 7A Feature Description 1. Facing the Film Culture and Art Center, with a good view 2. Small and medium-sized square footage, suitable for the early development of new start-up companies 3. Complete public facilities, renting a house comes with employee benefits 4. Rent: 1,500 yuan/square meter, management fee: 120 yuan/square meter 5. Close to MRT, national highway, expressway, 64, 65 6. The facade and lobby are fashionable and lively, with a good artistic atmosphere 7. There is an additional rent of 600 yuan for a flat parking space and parking space cleaning fee /month, motorcycle cleaning fee is 200 yuan/month







新北市 三重 區 光復  路(街) 二 段    巷   69 號    樓之


土地分區 :乙種工業區    謄本用途:一般事務所G2 / 一般服務業 / 4F:廠房    


總樓層 : 地上 39層\地下  4 層\每層   4  

建築完成日期 :2014   12      3 

大樓座向:  座 東  朝 西  各租售單位面向請自行確認

主要結構  鋼骨結構   外觀建材:帷幕        

樓高: 4

地板承重: 300kg/

警衛管理 24小時     




押金: 2個月

租金: 1000//

車位類型: 坡道*平面      車位租金: 3500//

管理費:130 //月 ;車位清潔費:300//




1.新北稀有智慧綠能大樓 節電省能


2.新北唯一摩天廠辦  高檔9米大廳

6.大樓機能佳 專車捷運接送

3.臨都會公園 近重劃區 工作生活平衡


4.交通便利 近64快速道路 接國13











